Swahili cooking class – Part One

Foods and Foodies


Well hello there food lovers, whats poppin. I know I know , I have slacked abit , but that is all because my laptop crashed and of course I couldn’t access my pictures and all. But now its all good. As always gracias for the love , you keep me going and I want to  send nothing but positive vibes your way. So yeah thank you once again.

I am excited to present to you a recipe post, its a first and I am kinda nervous as to how it will turn out.

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During the Lamu food festival the organizers had arranged a cooking class for me and my onja team. It was a chance for us to learn and know how to cook different swahili dishes. Talk about icing on the cake because we were leaving Lamu with the know how of how to cook swahili dishes, some though…

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